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Re: Invitation to 1st BPA Rookie Cup

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:12 pm
by [N]Fullin
Stop asking who want to play.

Chief of Staff, honor your rank and set a team up , order them foward , and disobedience will be court marshaled and lets get on with it!.

We need 2 teams

Elite for COC, others are eligible for rookie cup( "shite name for inspiration)...but lets do it.

I lead the rookies. WTF!!!

Re: Invitation to 1st BPA Rookie Cup

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:42 pm
by [N]Sloop
General Fullin, I could care less about a "Rookie Cup" that will not happen because no clans or clan members, [N] included, care to participate. We had a team once and no one showed up. There is a reason the High Command wins tournament, they have the skill to win, the confidence to risk defeat, and the balls to show up, rookies seldom do. It is also voluntary so there will be no discipline action for not joining this tournament, I will not whip sheep into men.

Also General Fullin, now that you are suddenly so interested, and have finally made one post for this thread, I can speak to the Emperor to have your rank lowered so you may qualify for this very popular event. It would be nice to have a Major defeat all our enemies' rookies.
Chief of Staff, honor your rank and set a team up ...

Perhaps you are right I should honor my rank and perhaps you are right I should set up a team, however there is no doubt you are wrong to bark commands at me whilst in public thus dishonoring all of us, including the Emperor. Get a hold of yourself or I will send you here:

Re: Invitation to 1st BPA Rookie Cup

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:59 pm
by [N]Fullin
I take a major rank any day to represent and defend the Emperor.