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LOC Rulles

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:30 pm
by [N]Harout
Extract from HB_Intro

VPs (Victory Points) and LOC (Line of Communication)
VPs (Victory Points) and LOC (Line of Communication) are key elements of the
historical scenarios. Defeating the enemy was often achieved by reaching some sort
of strategic objectives on the battlefield and forcing the enemy to retreat from the
To reflect this aspect of Napoleonic warfare, several degrees of victory are
introduced: strategic victory, marginal victory, as well as a draw. Occupying the
enemy LOC (a building situated in the deployment areas of the opposing armies) will
cause the enemy army to route and thus granting the opponent a strategic victory

LOCs are marked with * on the mini-map and should be defended at all costs. Next to
LOC, victory points (VPs) had been introduced. VPs are also buildings that can be
occupied. Value of VPs is given with Roman ciphers (I,II,...) in the mini-map. In
contrast to LOC, VPs can be taken and lost without morale penalty to the troops. The
VP value is earned by the last player who took control of the building. If a melee
fight is still on when time expires no VPs are attributed for that building. In case both
sides held to their LOCs, the total numerical value of controlled VPs will decide who
won the battle. Use of VPs and LOCs is meant to give sense of urgency and purpose
on the battlefield

You can study the objectives scheme of a scenario by pressing the OBJECTIVES
button in the historical battle window.

And don't give me "this is for HB" crap its the only logical way of using a points system. It forces cohesion and realism. For Fun's sake its in the name!

Re: LOC Rulles

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:19 pm
by [N]Fullin
This is for HB.

Re: LOC Rulles

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:33 pm
by [N]Chromey
more loc games less camping

Re: LOC Rulles

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:34 pm
by [N]Sloop
I am confused.

Harout, are you saying the "strategic victory" of HB could be implemented in LOC games and thus all participants would end the game upon capture of a particular LOC? Are you also stating that the marginal victories as well as a draw are not to be implemented? Have you defined the rules for the maps that contain LOC's which do not contain a specific notation of what the "home" LOC is? Have you inquired into the whole of the community to ascertain a general consensus on the idea and its acceptability so as not to further confuse and divide the community? Have you playtested your rule changes prior to announcing to the world that [N] has now set a new standard for LOC rules?

By creating a thread in the public [N] forum stating new or different versions of "LOC Rulles" you are creating confusion. Must I now explain to everyone in my games the different versions of LOC rules and which version we will be using?

One can always host a game and set the rules as desired. If you want to make a new set of rules call them something different than LOC, for example "Harout's Rules." Perhaps make a new thread titled; "Rules" that states; "Host decides the rules of the game." If you need further explanation, I will be happy to elaborate.

Re: LOC Rulles

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:22 pm
by [N]Tactacus
Very good sloop il post the short version, host chooses rules.

Re: LOC Rulles

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:15 am
by [N]Fullin
host rules